Amateur VHF/UHF dual watch mobile transceiver 144-146/430-440MHz, 50W, 1000 channels, LCD touch screen, optional Bluetooth connection, D-STAR compatible
Les + Produits
- Touch screen
- Easy to use with a direct access to various features
- VHF and UHF dual watch
- SD card reader for voice and Data recording
- D-STAR compatible
- Built-in GPS receiver
- Free android app : RS-MS1A
- AM band receiver (dual watch)
- User manual available both in English and French
- Bluetooth available with the UT-133 + VS-3 accessory or android app
Découvrez tous les appareils de la série
Amateur VHF/UHF dual watch mobile transceiver 144-146/430-440MHz, 50W, 1000 channels, LCD touch screen, optional Bluetooth connection, D-STAR compatible
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